December 14, 2012
The long awaited book by Amanda Knox has been delayed a couple months, and is now due out on April 30, 2013 according to HarperCollins publishers. The delay is said to be due to the upcoming last shot by the Italian prosecution to have Amanda's innocent verdict overturned- That unnecessary pony show is due in late March 2013. While all of this is certainly not 'up to the minute- breaking news', I did want to throw around a few thoughts on both the book, and the upcoming prosecution appeal.
The book is titled "Waiting To Be Heard" according to HarperCollins, and will be available in several formats including e-book. The publisher released cover of the book (shown above) has a lovely photo of Amanda (taken earlier this year). In regards to this photo- it is nice to see that Amanda has returned to the healthy looking girl she was before the nightmare hit. Photos of her taken last year, just after her release from prison, show a tired, thin, and stressed-out Amanda- so she has obviously bounced back nicely from her ordeal. Well, at least as concerns outward appearance.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that this book by Amanda Knox is going to be the 'Bible' concerning this case. Many of the nagging questions and speculation will come to an end with the release of this book. All other books on this case were views from the outside looking in, with the exception of Raffaele's of course. Yet as concerns Amanda- who was the prime target of the prosecution- this book will reveal important details of the case for the first time. Oh and by the way, if you are reading this, I hope you remember you owe me one signed copy, just for being correct in my prediction of you writing a best selling book on the case after being found innocent : )
As for the prosecution's appeal coming in late March- all I can say is: These people are completely void of scruples. They want the Italian supreme court to overturn common sense- I don't think that is going to happen. Italy finally got it right. Leave well enough alone. The prosecution in this case has always baffled me- Why do they behave as if stupidity were a virtue? And that's all I have to say about that.
The book "Waiting To Be Heard- A Memoir" by Amanda Knox will be available through all leading bookstores and online book sellers, including Amazon, and Barnes & Noble starting April 30, 2013. For a more complete list of bookstores and online sellers, contact the main site at HarperCollins Publishers.
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have had their 2011 not guilty verdict overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. With this sad and unjust development, the case continues.

Amanda's Book Due Out April 30, 2013
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Amanda Knox Appeal Forum: Concerning Australia...New Post For Schapelle Corby
May 8, 2012 - The new post is for Schapelle Corby. Click the link below to go to the Schapelle Corby Freedom Forum "And God Said: Let There Be Light- But Not In Australia" ><
Amanda Knox,
amanda knox and schapelle corby,
Amanda Knox Appeal,
schapelle corby australian injustice
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Amanda Knox Appeal: Now That Amanda Is Free - A New Cause For The Fight Against Injustice
May 3, 2012 - It was a hard ride for many supporters of Amanda Knox, but in the end justice won out over lies and corruption. It was not the so-called 'PR Machine' nor the compassion of any government that led to Amanda Knox being set free last October 3rd. It was you, the many thousands of you who would not stand for such an injustice to triumph. It showed what the common people can do when they stand together against an injustice; It was the power of public opinion, and it's effect on courts and governments who seemed content to remain indifferent. It was massive non-violent public opinion at it's finest. And Amanda Knox went home to Seattle after four years of injustice because enough angry people refused to remain silent, and demanded that truth win out over lies.
It doesn't happen often, but it happens when enough people take a stand and speak-up. Sometimes though, when there are not enough voices to be heard, the other 'Amanda Knox's' of this world do not get to go home. The world is full of such victims simply because there is not enough support for them. Injustice triumphs when there are too few to oppose it. Such is the case of a young Australian woman who has been locked away on the island of Bali in Indonesia for almost 8 years. Her name is Schapelle Corby, and she desperately needs the world's help.
After many years of indifference by the majority of people in her own country, I invite the people of the world to familiarize themselves with her plight, and lend their support for her cause. I have started a forum on her to create a global awareness of her case, and the deplorable conditions of her imprisonment. Like the Amanda Knox case, Corby was the victim of corruption, lies, false news stories, and a growing indifference brought about by the silence of her own home government. Her plight is not unknown, yet the average person outside of Australia has never heard her name. To go to the forum I started up just last month just click on the link below. The forum is open for comments and discussion, and provides links to information on her case. I have included a photo of her below. There are many others and videos concerning Schapelle Corby at the new forum. It is my hope that what the people of the world did for Amanda Knox, they can do for this girl. If we do not stand up for her- she will not survive.
This is an independent forum and this is not to suggest any endorsement by Amanda Knox. I have no idea if Amanda is even aware of the Schapelle Corby case. Hopefully she is.
It doesn't happen often, but it happens when enough people take a stand and speak-up. Sometimes though, when there are not enough voices to be heard, the other 'Amanda Knox's' of this world do not get to go home. The world is full of such victims simply because there is not enough support for them. Injustice triumphs when there are too few to oppose it. Such is the case of a young Australian woman who has been locked away on the island of Bali in Indonesia for almost 8 years. Her name is Schapelle Corby, and she desperately needs the world's help.
After many years of indifference by the majority of people in her own country, I invite the people of the world to familiarize themselves with her plight, and lend their support for her cause. I have started a forum on her to create a global awareness of her case, and the deplorable conditions of her imprisonment. Like the Amanda Knox case, Corby was the victim of corruption, lies, false news stories, and a growing indifference brought about by the silence of her own home government. Her plight is not unknown, yet the average person outside of Australia has never heard her name. To go to the forum I started up just last month just click on the link below. The forum is open for comments and discussion, and provides links to information on her case. I have included a photo of her below. There are many others and videos concerning Schapelle Corby at the new forum. It is my hope that what the people of the world did for Amanda Knox, they can do for this girl. If we do not stand up for her- she will not survive.
This is an independent forum and this is not to suggest any endorsement by Amanda Knox. I have no idea if Amanda is even aware of the Schapelle Corby case. Hopefully she is.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Amanda Knox Signs 4 Million Dollar Book Deal With HarperCollins
February 16, 2012 - Amanda Knox has just signed a deal with the publishers HaperCollins for close to $4M. for her book which is due out in early 2013. It was certainly no mystery that Amanda was writing a book, and it was no secret that there was a recent 'auction' to determine who would publish that book. Personally I was not surprised that it went for $4M despite some publishers saying the book would be a gamble. There was plenty of interest among the major publishers with bids coming in from at least seven, and with interest from about twenty different publishers, with lucky HarperCollins signing Amanda for an estimated $4M (one source I know of states $3.8M) for World Rights.
To those who may think that HaperCollins is taking a big gamble with their $4M, I would have to say I think they got a good deal considering the book will probably be a best seller in the U S, and not only that but with World Rights millions more will be sold in Great Britain, Italy, and Germany, where there is a lot of interest in the case.
While it is true that there have been other books about the murder of Meredith and the arrest and trials of Amanda Knox, no one except Knox can tell this story from a first person point of view. No one except Knox can tell all the hidden details of the case, and her personal experiences inside Capanne prison. No one except Amanda Knox has the inside story, and that is exactly what a great many people want to hear- what really happened according to Amanda Knox. That is exactly the recipe for a non-fiction best seller in this country, and Europe also.
HarperCollins has stated that the book will reveal "never before told details surrounding the case". One of HC's top editors Claire Wachtel is the editor appointed to work with Knox on this book, and the book is scheduled to be released in early 2013. Although HaperCollins has not stated such as yet- expect translations in German, Italian and French to quickly follow the American edition. With such a large market at their disposal for this book, I don't think HaperCollins will have any trouble making a substantial profit on their investment.... Congratulations to Amanda and Family.
Coming to a bookstore near you.
To those who may think that HaperCollins is taking a big gamble with their $4M, I would have to say I think they got a good deal considering the book will probably be a best seller in the U S, and not only that but with World Rights millions more will be sold in Great Britain, Italy, and Germany, where there is a lot of interest in the case.
While it is true that there have been other books about the murder of Meredith and the arrest and trials of Amanda Knox, no one except Knox can tell this story from a first person point of view. No one except Knox can tell all the hidden details of the case, and her personal experiences inside Capanne prison. No one except Amanda Knox has the inside story, and that is exactly what a great many people want to hear- what really happened according to Amanda Knox. That is exactly the recipe for a non-fiction best seller in this country, and Europe also.
HarperCollins has stated that the book will reveal "never before told details surrounding the case". One of HC's top editors Claire Wachtel is the editor appointed to work with Knox on this book, and the book is scheduled to be released in early 2013. Although HaperCollins has not stated such as yet- expect translations in German, Italian and French to quickly follow the American edition. With such a large market at their disposal for this book, I don't think HaperCollins will have any trouble making a substantial profit on their investment.... Congratulations to Amanda and Family.
Coming to a bookstore near you.
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This forum is not endorsed by Amanda Knox nor her family or legal council. It is an independent venture for the purpose of an open public forum on Amanda's pending appeal in Italy. It is for educational purposes only.