There has not been much news about Amanda Knox in the last week or so, and considering the start of her appeal begins very soon- it's kind of eerie; It's like the calm before the storm, and I think a storm is coming. No matter what your angle is on this case, take my word for it- it's going to get wild. And that does not mean anything bad like Amanda losing the appeal. What I mean is- regardless of the outcome there is going to be a huge news blitz. People are either going to be wild with joy or they will be wild with anger. If her trial was big- her appeal is bigger.
There are a great many more people aware of this case now than last year. The world is watching, and the vast majority are hoping for Amanda to go free. It is no longer stylish to go on Amanda bashing. Amanda has emerged from all the bad press and foxy knoxy foolishness, an intelligent and brave young woman whose innocence is clear to any rational thinking person.
This case is no longer a mystery that hinges on the fantasies of a corrupt prosecutor. This case has been examined by some of the best legal minds in the world- including experts in criminal investigation and forensics. As if in one voice they say- this is a wrongful conviction and needs to be remedied. Yet will it be?
Amanda has a very strong case for appeal yet there are some people who doubt the court in Perugia will do the right thing. I have heard a lot of this type of thing and some of it coming from Italians. They say things like: The Americans have angered the Italian judicial system and they will therefore not let Amanda go. Really? I personally find that hard to believe. Wouldn't that be saying the same thing as justice will be denied due to personal reasons? Is that not saying that justice hinges not on guilt or innocence but rather hinges on if the Americans watch what they say and don't upset Italians? Really? With the world watching? I would personally have to see that to believe it. Cases like this do not get swept under the rug. The world will assess how the appeal goes and on what grounds the appeals court reaches it's decision. Personally I am counting on Judge Claudio Pratillo Hellmann to uphold justice and defend the principle. I am hopeful that he will do the right thing. I am personally very optimistic about this appeal for the simple reason that Amanda Knox is clearly innocent and deserves for her wrongful conviction to be corrected. This is not a replay of her original trial which was based on fantasy.
And yes, that world famous magician Mignini will be assisting the prosecution. Should anyone be worried about that? Does anyone think Mignini's smoke and mirrors act with a good dose of misinformation and sheer speculation is going to win the day for injustice again? I don't think so. I think even God is looking down on Mignini and saying "Hey, saw you in church Sunday-I can't believe you think you're on my team". Just my opinion of course. Besides- the Lord is probably busy making a long list of the crimes inflicted against Amanda Knox.
This appeals will be based on the truth, and the majority of people know what the truth is regarding Amanda. Why should she have to wait another year or two in prison for the case to go to the Italian Supreme Court. Justice can be at hand right now and set an innocent woman free. She has a very, very strong case to have her wrongful conviction overturned. How big and what kind of storm is coming is anyone's guess. If it is a quick shower with the sun coming out and showing a rainbow; Or if the sky goes black with lightening that shakes the earth. We'll see.
The appeal starts on the 24th. Everything will be ready with the usual huge media turnout. Amanda's defense team is geared up and ready as will be the thousand's of Knox supporters around the world- waiting for justice to finally show it's face. It's all good to go- and so is Amanda. Pax (peace).
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have had their 2011 not guilty verdict overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. With this sad and unjust development, the case continues.

Amanda's Book Due Out April 30, 2013
Monday, November 22, 2010
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This forum is not endorsed by Amanda Knox nor her family or legal council. It is an independent venture for the purpose of an open public forum on Amanda's pending appeal in Italy. It is for educational purposes only.
Yes, the world is watching and waiting. I hope the Appeals Court reviews everything thoroughly and sees that this was indeed a wrongful conviction and do the right thing, the only thing,
exonerate Amanda and Raffaele and set them free!!!
Hello Shirley- Well we can only hope that is what happens. It is vital for the court to allow independent testing and needs to evaluate things like the lack of motive. Hopefully tomorrow the defense will state their case boldly and convince the judge that this is a case which merits a second look- a hard, discerning look. Let's hope justice finally comes around. Thanks for commenting. shows you what is really is going on in Perugia and how are the chances for the 3 to get out of hell...
I read the Massei Report and I am convinced Amanda Knox is guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher. I can't see the appeals helping Amanda at all. I expect to see her sentence stay at 26 years or increased to a life sentence.
Last year Amanda Knox was just as innocent. They had the same trumped up evidence which her lawyers should have been able to decimate under cross examination. But the court convicted her on the judge's conjecture and manipulation of that evidence. I'll stop working for her exoneration and release when she's home in Seattle. I have no faith in Italian justice.
I am praying every second for Amanda and Raffaele. So innocent! Not a shred of evidence, except the forced "confession" (w/o lawyer or translator even!), of which they conveniently lost the tape. No motive, no evidence, solid alibi, sweet kids.. hmmm!! And tons of evidence & motive pointing to Rudy Guede! God will free them soon!
Well you are entitled to your opinion but I think anyone who has read the Massei report and thinks Amanda is guilty- has really missed the beam. The Massei report is what will be taken apart at the appeal. Prepare to be surprised.
I would be surprised if the guilty verdict was overturned on appeal. It seems to me this could only happen if the original defense was flawed and substandard, or if strong new evidence was brought to light.
Do people really believe that Amanda and Raffaele received an incompetent defense? If not, what is the game changing new evidence that will be brought to light?
I've read the Massei Report as well, and have found the logic and reasoning to be quite sound for the most part, especially in the area of the staged break in. The only part that I didn't agree with is the hypothesis that Rudy Guede initiated the attack on Meredith Kercher. I believe that it was Amanda Knox. The mixed blood of Meredith and Amanda in Filomena Romanelli's room is something that I would like to be explained away, amongst other things, by defense experts. That the testimony of a convicted Mafia snitch and a convicted child killer are part of the appeal, sounds very desperate.
Hello Frederic- Hopefully God will free them on this appeal and not keep them waiting in jail for another couple years. Let's hope for the best. Thanks for commenting.
Hello Patrick- I know how you feel but still we have no choice but to hope that the appeals court gets it right. I don't care for the lineup of prosecutors in this appeal but there is a new judge and jury and that's what really counts. Let's hope for the best. Thanks for your comment.
To Itchy brother- Amanda's appeal is based on a direct assault of the Judge's 'motivation report' from the original trial. This is an Italian appeal which is very broad in scope. The new judge can choose to go over as little as he wants- or he can just about call into question the entire original trial. Amanda's lawyers are saying that the original trial was flawed and a breech of international law- Most notably- lack of motive, flawed forensics, a biased jury, and a ton of speculation replacing facts. It was not the lawyers who were substandard it was the original trial that was substandard. Thanks for commenting.
To Anonymous above- Mixed blood in Filomena's room? Meredith was not killed in Filomena's room- she was killed in her own room so if mixed blood was going to be anywhere it should have been there, don't you think? And since there was nothing to tie Amanda to the murder room- um, take a wild guess. No DNA- no nothing of Amanda in the murder room which most forensic experts say is impossible if Amanda had killed Meredith. So what do you think- She was in a spacesuit? A flying carpet? Or did she just change into a bird and fly on the window. Come on now- snap out of it.
I see you have been noticed at PMF, Saint Michael. Good to see both sides giving an opinion. With the appeal coming, this may be a good place for a discussion as some of those who believe in guilt are not too happy with JREF.
Hello Rose- yes a large flock of them descended yesterday. There was about 100 Brits on at one time last night with a lot of nasty comments but the more civil ones I published.
Well I'm not sure the masses in general would find this a good site for discussion as I have 2 rules for this forum. One is the comments be civil and absolutely no misinformation will be published. I have seen too many other sites that were used by the anti-Amanda faction as an outlet to cut and paste misinformation (a la Harry Rag) with the single intention to confuse and mislead those people just getting familiar with the case. The purpose of this forum is to view this case with common sense- facts when they are facts- and to bar outright lies, misinformation, and hateful comments. It is also the purpose of this forum to educate people about Amanda Knox and her circumstances and the news in the case in general.
Now with that said- anyone can comment here and they can say things not in Amanda's favor provided they back in up with facts or they should post it as it is their opinion.
At this point Rose I hope you realize that I am not speaking to you like this I am speaking to all those who will read this. Kind of laying down the rules. I would suggest people read the post I did about a month ago titled "Why Some People Hate Amanda Knox & Her Supporters". Actually maybe they already did and that's why they attacked.
The problem I have with people who think Amanda is guilty is they really can't tell you why- and those who do give reasons it becomes clear they have picked up a lot of bad information and are usually too closed minded to to accept new information even if they are facts.
I have read some of the posts and comments on PFM in the past, and all I can say is many of these people are pissing against the wind.
Like I said I am not speaking to you but to whom it may concern.
See what you did- and you didn't even ask a question :o)
Actually, I think it was my comment about a few of the British posters I have had some exchanges with that probably set them off. Thanks for taking the hit for me, in any case. ☺
That's ok Rose- I'm getting use to the flax.
I meant flak not flax as in anti-aircraft fire not the flower.
Mignini's piety works itself out in freeing his community from killers and thieves. He is not your enemy. "Hate evil, you who love the Lord." Do you mock his attendance at worship, his family life raising 4 decent daughters, his visits to his elderly mom? You haven't seen the Monster of Florence case files. You have no clue as to how deeply he has probed into Amanda's case. He has private connections and resources that may have revealed to him quite a bit more about her guilt than he can reveal or that can be corrobated for use in courtroom. He's hardly new to crime and con artists and liars. He's no pawn of the police. He has risen in the ranks and proved himself capable for years. You can't imagine the intense pressures he's under. Show Mignini the respect you'd accord an American judge who had the confidence of his district.
Maybe you've been blinded by hidden passion of your own for a woman who may turn out to be unworthy of your applause. You doubt entire reams of judges and experts who did see more than a dab of evidence that passed muster and that revealed she killed her roommate.
You really need to get some good info on this case. Mignini is a convicted criminal. He set up Knox to take a fall on a whim. His evidence was no evidence - nothing more than smoke and mirrors and speculation- and with lies leaked to the press. If he had been a prosecutor in the U S he would have been thrown in jail for bugging people's phones.
I find it interesting that you think Mignini does such a good job of ridding the area of murderers and thieves- As Rudy was a known thief and drug dealer-and even when caught he was allowed to go free because he was a police informant- If he had been arrested and placed in prison he would have never had the chance to kill Meredith. I think you are pissing against the wind here pal- The only thing out of control was Mignini's satanic theories.
And by the way- I do hate evil. That's why Mignini is not on my party list.
Sorry Anon I couldn't publish your last comment as the rule on this site is that there will be no misinformation stated as fact published. Since you are obviously a little short on valid information as pertains to this case, I would advise that you do some research on sites other than PFM and such. But if you really do not have an open mind about this case, then I think you would just be wasting your time.
I mean really- trying to defend Mignini on a pro-Amanda site? I could see if you have some truthful facts but you only have misinformation. That's just too............Mignini like. The master of illusion.
i think and know this gurl is not gulty she had no prints and know fibers are nothing yeah she ws there but i belive she didnt have no part in it and belive she was forcd to stay after hereing her story and i thin italy's gorvement just wannted to have a story to go with there country and wanted to put some one to blam and what beter then a good looking smart american gurl i belive she is inacent. and they shuld let her go free and keep the others in. i hope amanda knox gets out soon. and sue's the goverment over there for every thing they have. i would .she had no chocie she was scard i would have done the same thing.
and al so my hart goes out to amanda and her family i fill relly bad for the gurl i would have done the same she was only a kid and had it all put on her at onec's the police were to ruff on her she didnt have the right mine to tell them any thing and they didnt have crap on her she's nothing but not guilty.
No one will ever forget what happened to Meredith Kercher. She will always be remembered as a good college student whose life was taken from her. But, to accuse one person, who may not be guilty of the crime just so that they may convict someone for the case, seems wrong. They found the person who murdered her.
this is Tammy Pries and i'm sutdy law and i watch the movie and i also noctice that they had lack of EVIDENCE they were looking at the facts they didn't change there glooves and so much more and the polices was in a hurry to put 2 INNOCENCE people in prison and i sorry for what happen to meredith kercher and puls there was no figer prints but one and that was the black mans figer prints so i think that amanda and her boyfriend should go free they had no right to accuse 2 people for the murder and they found the person who murder Meredith Kercher so why accuse and put 2 people in prison for no reason and this whole case is wrong and it don't make any sense SO I THINK THAT AMANDA AND HER BOYFRIEND SO BE SET FREE.
I certainly agree with you Tammy. There is no evidence- no witnesses- and no motive. Hopefully Amanda and Raffaele will go free after their appeal, which should be over in June. Thanks for commenting.
Amanda is obviously innocent. There is no evience against her and I think its so stupid that she actually got convicted. i pray that her appeal goes well, and that poor innocent girl goes free.
I Really hope and pray she goes free soon. There isn't a doubt in my mind that she is innocent. It sickens me just thinking of Amanda wasting her years away in jail. There is no evidence against her. If she was in america she would have been aquittted already.
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