Bad news for the prosecution. Bad news for lawsuit lawyers. Bad news for Barbie and Nicky and for every media source that took an anti-Amanda stance for the last 3 years. Bad news for anti-Amanda sites.
But good news for Amanda Knox. Good news for her family and supporters. And good news for those who were looking for true justice in this strange case.
Chris Mellas is not a liar. Reading what he said in the news about a judge stating there was only one certain fact in this case is supported by several Italian news sources. I am not referring to any weeping in the court- I have no info on that. What I am referring to is that the judges are obviously not happy with this case. It is probably well known by now that Mr Mellas had said - He was told that the judge said "...the only thing we know for certain is the fact that Meredith was murdered..." If that is not an exact quote it's pretty damn close. Now the anti-Amanda sites were obviously displeased with that and their comments ranged from Mr Mellas is a liar to- oh well the judge only meant that they would keep an open mind. Really? No dice on that.
In support of Mr Mellas- I quote from the Italian news source Libero-news. it: The exact Italian quote of Judge Massimo Zenetti as published from Libero "...di partire dall'unico fatto certo, ovvero l'omicidio stesso." Now this pertained to where the court would start from in the proceedings. It has been speculated that the court may not choose to re-examine most of the evidence yet this quote in Italian makes it pretty clear that the the judges are not happy with the supposed facts of this case and state the only fact that is certain is the murder itself.
The English tranlation of the above Italian quote is " start from the only certain fact and that is the murder itself."
Now this does not mean they will not pay attention to the Massei report but it does strongly suggest that as far as the judges are concerned they are not taking any of the supposed facts at face value. I would therefore assume that they intend to almost pick this case up from scratch or at least hear major portions of it. The key phase here is the quote ...the only certain fact..." Of course this is nothing but good news for the defense and Amanda Knox. She has nothing to fear from a re-examination of this case.
I am not trying to say 'case closed'- that reminds me too much of what the Italian police said on the arrest of Amanda Knox. What I am saying is Judges Claudio Pratillo Hellmann and Massimo Zanetti will no doubt do their best to find the truth in what has become one of the strangest criminal cases in modern history. May justice prevail for Meredith and Amanda- and that, is true justice.
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have had their 2011 not guilty verdict overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. With this sad and unjust development, the case continues.

Amanda's Book Due Out April 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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This forum is not endorsed by Amanda Knox nor her family or legal council. It is an independent venture for the purpose of an open public forum on Amanda's pending appeal in Italy. It is for educational purposes only.
I agree. The judge's remark very strongly suggests that he is not yet convinced of anything that happened at the first trial. So in all likelihood, the judges will want a full rehearing in this case.
Judge Hellman also remarked at the first hearing on the appeal that he saw this as a 'media case.' That is good news as well. I think it is helpful for the judges to feel that the whole world is watching. This will make them more careful and cautious at each step of the appeal. The more careful and thorough the review of the evidence, the better the chance for the truth to come out.
Saturday is the big day. We will know for sure which way the wind is blowing in this appeal when the judges decide whether or not to reopen the evidence.
I am hoping and praying for the truth to come out so that Amanda and Raffaele do not have their lives stolen from them by Rudy Guede, as he stole Meredith's life from her.
Tks for digging that out Saint_Michael. This is a very good post. Peace out.
Yes Saturday is the big day- we won't know what exactly the judges will review until then. The more evidence the judge wants to examine or re-examine the better I think it is for Amanda. Thanks for your comments.
There are other sites that have this info also. I just needed the info confirmed by Italian sources. I see that this particular post of mine has upset a few people- none of whom like AK very much. Thanks for your comment.
I liked your post Saint Michael. I just found out about this new blog and will be tuning in from now on. Thanks.
Thank you. By the way, someone had asked how to find the rest of the posts- You need to hit the 'Home' button at the top right of the page- this brings up all the posts. I didn't think anyone would have a problem with finding all the posts but just in case. Thanks for you comment.
If this is true, and they start from scratch, just exactly what 'evidence' will they be considering? That DNA 'evidence' should be thrown out, the two super-witnesses are laughable, and the old lady couldn't have heard the scream at a medically possible time of death. So what are they left with? Will any of the above make it through this time?
Other than that, what could they put forth? The bloody footprint in the bathroom, the traces of Amanda's DNA in her own sink, the footprints from the bathroom to Meredith's room that tested negative and go backwards, the drop of Amanda's blood in Filomena's room? There's something else I heard where their DNA mixed in the hall or something, someone speculated as the result of a technician dropping samples. What else is left?
Hello- before I get into this let me correct you on one of the things you listed- Amanda's blood was NOT found in Filomena's room- that's a myth proven false.
As to what the judges would like to re-examine- no one could know that in advance but we will know more Saturday than we know now.
The defense would like to completely re-try this case, how likely is that is anyone's guess. The things in question however is primarily the DNA and particularly the Low Copy Number DNA and the contention that the police investigation was a sham including the collecting of samples which point to cross contamination. Also the methods of the Rome lab used to test LCN DNA- a lab that was at the time of the murder not qualified or certified to do that kind of testing and the fact that the tests are nor reproducible. And then there's the bra clasp.
The defense also has the computers on the board, and some of the witness testimony. They also want the statements of two jailed witnesses heard. They are also claiming that the jury was biased as a result of an intense negative media blitz which portrayed Knox as guilty before the trial even started. Plus there was no believable motive.
These are the main areas. If the judges have most of the above re-examined, my belief is the the prosecution's case against Knox is going to take a fall. Yet at this point nothing can be taken for granted- this is solely in the hands of the judges- but I have nothing but a good feeling about that. Thanks for commenting.
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