December 11, 2010- As Amanda Knox started to make her statement to the court, Kercher lawyer Franceso Maresca walked out of the courtroom. According to 'Barbie of the Beast' he "stormed out", yet most other sources say he simply walked out- who to believe huh? When asked after the hearing why he had left the courtroom while Knox was addressing the court he said something along the lines of he didn't want to listen to what she had to say and that her statement was just to impress the court. Really? My opinion is that he was simply trying to upstage her by showing her disrespect, while also trying to send a subtle message to the judge and jury.
Now to those who are not in the know on who Mr Maresca is- he is not part of the prosecution team as such, but rather a lawyer who has more lawsuits pending against Amanda Knox than anyone on the planet. And these are all civil money lawsuits. But he can only win these lawsuits as long as Amanda stays convicted. The Kercher lawsuit is already over but money can not be collected from that if Amanda goes free on appeal. And the lawsuits of seven Perugia police officers (of which Maresca represents) against Knox for slander will be much weaker if Amanda's conviction is overturned. Seems to me this guy stands to lose more than anyone if Amanda Knox goes free. You might say he has a stake in seeing Amanda kept in prison. So, what do you think- he doesn't want to see his lawsuits go down the drain? Or is he just a drama queen?
Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have had their 2011 not guilty verdict overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. With this sad and unjust development, the case continues.

Amanda's Book Due Out April 30, 2013
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Amanda Knox December 11: Franceso Maresca Tries To Upstage Knox At Hearing
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This forum is not endorsed by Amanda Knox nor her family or legal council. It is an independent venture for the purpose of an open public forum on Amanda's pending appeal in Italy. It is for educational purposes only.
''...But he can only win these lawsuits as long as Amanda stays convicted...''
Therein lies the TRUTH.
Despite the vile and disgusting bile spouted by the PMF Cult members
Maresca is wonderful.
Well I am sure they are not all the same. There are some I think that just have some bad information. I almost could not publish your comment until I realized the you were not calling them vile and disgusting but rather their words. Well I don't care for a lot of what some of them have to say either but they have a right to their opinions.
I noticed I have a rather abnormal amount of views from Italy the last couple days- maybe some of them didn't like what I had to say- but I also have a right to my opinion, and it's the truth. Thanks for your comment.
Meresca is wonderful? I agree, he's a wonderful actor.
Maresca protests against falsehoods. He has behaved with dignity and restraint for 3 years. Silence is golden.
I'd be glad to see any DNA do-overs the defense wants. I'd love to see the computer hard drives that belonged to Raffaele and Amanda both restored. The more evidence the better. The truth has nothing to fear. I would never want to see 2 innocent people jailed.
Funny how two people stand beside a mop and bucket at one apartment talking about a cleanup they undertook at a different apartment.
You thought Maresca's temper tantrum was a "subtle" message to judge and jury? Then what would a ham handed message to judge and jury look like in your opinion?
Dignity and restraint? There was nothing dignified about him walking out of the courtroom in a childish ploy to try and upstage Amanda's statement to the court.
You would never want to see two innocent people jailed? That's good because they won't be jailed for much longer.
The mop and bucket? Oh brother- do they really believe that over there at those anti-Amanda sites. Wow. There was no cleanup. The cleanup is a myth that stems from Mignini right up there with the phony bleach receipts. You can not selectively clean up what you can not see with the naked eye. I guess they forgot to do the bathroom huh? Even Mignini didn't try that one in court. Come on now, snap out of it.
Temper tantrum? Who besides Barbie of the Beast said he did anything but walk out of the courtroom?
Ham handed message? I didn't see one. All I saw, like most people, is a wrongly convicted woman trying to defend herself in a court of law.
Anonymous you really focus only on how you think Amanda will benefit, (in your tiny bigoted mind), Saint_Michael1 is so correct in the obvious unfavorable, already, being fed to the jury and judge and are such stupid metaphors that is just another way for YOU to bring, I am sure that the stench you left when you stomped like a baby out of the courtroom, as a juror just to see that even in traffic court, would make me wonder on your motives. Any lawyer should be fined or admonished from the court from here on. That would hurt him more as he spoon feeds the damn press. I think he just hanging on a thread because he knows that all the Amanda and Rafaelle supporters are coming out of the woodwoork. From Italy and Britain, also.
And for you to not just feel embarrassed as a non-supporter but are drinking the kool-aid recycling in the run amok tabloids making this the biggest think since William and Kate were engaged. They stalked Princess Di?
As far as the bathroom "photo", Did we see one before showing the used bathroom with any bloody anything, a spot or two mentioned by Amanda herself, not enough to even make her feel odd, no huge loss of blood, no bloody footprints, these were in the locked bedroom where none of either A.K or R.S's DNA, blood hair, prints, flakes of dandruff or anything that was left there by Guede and so mishandled by the Postal Police or whatever "expert" crime scene personnel made any information unbelievable in my book, cross contamination, proven.
The bathroom was, for full effect, was sprayed with a chemical that turned that bloody red color in contact with PROTEINS. Other than the bed or bedroom, kitchen or other places in your home where a lot of bodies go or lean or sit on things, so basically everything lit up as it would in your bathroom, maybe a little more as these were college girls, surely not cleaning daily. You are just dredging the ONLY thing that you believe would make this young couple be made to fit the crime although everything points to these two being elsewhere, having another man flee with his knives and long ass rap sheet, only to be extradited. Why would the Perugian courts make his sentence half of the other two sentences unless he was providing what they wanted to hear.
NO , Receipts, no DNA, no evidence, statements from others who saw them elsewhere at the TOD, these aren't in the tabloids but perpetuated by non-thinking people as you. And constantly using the "Barbie" name over and over as if it is a crime to be young, pretty and nice. You contradict yourself when you do this as Barbie over here was the essence of what girls should be, even the Foxy Knoxy reference is from squatting on the field like a fox playing soccer.
You, Anonymous can't even use a real name, and even though I admit you have the right to free speech, you really should make a better effort than trying to bring up such ridiculous points because there isn't really any evidence that doesn't stand up to the smell test. You and your comments smell fishy and I wonder just who you are to try and make these 3 points so important when I believe you lack any real comments to change anyone's mind. I am not even going to the fake receipts for bleach when no one smelled bleach, nothing was spotted and even you should know that bleach will destroy any material including rugs, material on couches, clothing, (where did they find the bleach clothing?) carpet and even a mop would show treatment with bleach by becoming brittle and really clean and white.
And as much as I feel for Mr. Kercher, I really don't believe that Amanda's big plan is to be on GMA or FOX news or a "Celebrity" and if she is offered these things to try and prove her innocence, so be it as she also has freedom of speech, Anonymous. He is outraged that she has become a celebrity, (not his daughter, very weird way to look at this), nobody has regaled in her horrible death, visit any site and see.
She was even duped by the idiot writer who spent time with her only to exploit her in his book. And Barbie Nadeau?? Does your country have a ban on certain books or Perugia or just ones that show how absolutely sloppy the police were, how holding her for a year without evidence to convict her as the tabloids dug and dug and dug to get anything looking to be hinky and inferred so much crap into these "ideas".
You Anonymous are obviously not well read, except the tabloids, you sound uneducated or you would be able to question motives behind a tantrum by a professional just to get exactly what he is getting, lots of attention and trying to keep the only shocking evidence which has been explained away in the news, but a picture is worth a thousand words, name calling, can I call you F###ING idiot?
So many books about how a young couple , who barely adult, were railroaded and scared and smacked to by a crooked justice system that got all you can read is tabloid trash and try and spread your agenda around.
Anonymous? Yeah, you get lots of credibility with that one but then someone connected to these proceedings might notice you and see exactly what agenda you have as it is obviously that you are somehow involved and feel that your comments be seen and believed.
I don't give you any credence and Someone needs to take notice that there is too many inconsistencies, lack of evidence, and could Amanda and Rafaelle sue Perugia for millions?
Unlawful imprisonment, battery, misconduct by the officials including Mignini......There, Anonymous, Another opinion that makes a lot of sense and I wish you would shut up, and I hope the courts realize what this consultant and you, as I believe you are somehow involved, even if you are a weird crime stalker who has pictures and articles probably papered your walls, any lipstick marks, "MURDERER" or "BARBIE", ETC.
Get educated, check the evidence or just give the process a chance. Why would you think it is so wonderful that a innocent young couple, as Rudy Guede confessed, stated they were not involved, and received a reduced sentence. They accepted that but did not release AK an RS?
Explain that Anonymous? Something is really incorrect there.
Calm down a bit. I know people can get frustrated with this case, but in the future please refrain from getting personal. This site will not become a battlefield. Try to make your statements without pointing a finger. The good news is that I think Amanda is going to win her appeal and that is the best way to silence her critics. Like I said this case can be frustrating but in the future please refrain from making it personal. Ok? Thanks for commenting. Now take a deep breath : )
Maresca an 'actor'?, Maresca a 'drama queen'?!!!!
Sorry, Saint Michael1, I am so tired of the constant crap the tabloids print and obviously some buy into this stuff. Are only Americans the type that know and question tabloid trash?
I read that this meresca person stated that he found Amanda's voice boring and unbelievable in front of the press. I just think that the redundancy and constant "peppering" the British and Italian Tabloids with the old and not with the new ideas that have since been questioned and viewed with the science that has made such huge strides in proving guilt and innocence and for one person to rally behind a totally press whore is absolute stupidity.
Why is this person so willing not to listen to the lack of evidence and creation of evidence, but will kiss the feet of this Maresca big mouth.
Anyone telling anything to the tabloids over there should be gagged. This is what happened the first go around. The tabloids found a story so disturbing that the facts were twisted to fit their motive. Then Rudy Guede confessed but the courts can't back down. The prosecutors were already in trouble, actually found guilty, but couldn't screw this up. Mr. Kercher I am sure, has some political or police pull, and as any parent, needs to feel some sort of closure, but at the expense of 2 young people's lives?
Let the process go forward, this is their right, keep it out of the press this time so the jury isn't inundated with all the lies and misinformation.
All I am saying is that Amanda is being sued for slander, (absolutely absurd), why can she not sue the tabloid press, the British press and all others who have made qualifying statements to prove guilt.
I will never understand why certain people who are so unread, uneducated and have an agenda will place themselves into public forums to further their position. Such is the case with this Maresca person, and I have been on many of the FAK sites and the haters are the absolute worst, believing all the crap that makes no common scientific sense. Just the shock value of the bathroom photo was released to shock the public and pollute the media. They make nasty, emotion filled hate statements and yes, I honestly feel the Anti-American sentiment.
Shown by this Maresca's uncalled for comments, these are just selfish attempts to remain pertinent in the media and further whatever goal he needs to become "the man" to turn to for comments, press time and his attempt to become someone who is believable has hit a real low by making comments about how "boring Amanda's voice is and how it drones and that she sounds unbelievable and lacks emotion", (my broad interpretation of his idiotic statements). Are thess not slanderous comments especially during proceedings?
How can anyone take this guy seriously. I guess Amanda should be upbeat, smiling, not cry or sob, (no emotion) and just suck it up.
I am glad the appeal is going well and that the courts have had a chance to see the support sites and how all the accusations and tabloid reporting will be accurate, be fair and think about how these young people have unfairly sat in a rotten Italian jail, (sarcasm), Honestly, my comments are less emotionally written than many of the "guilters" on the FAK sites, the FB sites, injustice site, innocence project, etc. They get downright nasty and hate filled. So, I was incensed that this Anonymous was so quick to make us all aware of Maresca and his comments and now he is just feeding the machine, just as was done in the first trial. Thank you and as always, FAK and RS!
And for Anonymous, this is the funny thing about us American's, not only do we feel so much empathy and sadness around Meredith Kercher and the family but we feel for Rafaelle's plight and family, as well. Thanks you, SM1. I am calm but this person does have an agenda and is making no bones about his support for this idiotic Maresca and his idiotic statements. Why is this spiel of junk flowing from his mouth even relevant. Who is this guy and nobody cared until he opened his cruel and lying mouth, just to see his name in the papers and I do believe anyone who finds it so necessary to make themselves be noticed by making statements, is just trying to re-ignite the hate, dreg up the past evidence and lack of real evidence by making such statements. Shouldn't the "courts" (kangaroo) be silencing this idiot and his idiotic statements. Alas, the press does not report the strides made, any pro opinions or the mishandled evidence concerning this issue. I am not the only one who feel that Amanda is a poster child for Anti-American sentiment, either. It should be obvious.
Amanda and Raffaele are innocent,Maresco walked out of the court because he knows that and he cannot bear to hear the truth
Maresco is probally owed a lot of lawyers fees and he is probally beginning to realise he is never going to be able to collect a penny off the knox/mellas families
To jomfreeamandaandraffaele- I understand where you are coming from on this, but you can not gag the press, particularly on a case like this. While it is quite true that the press has printed a lot of garbage about Amanda in the past and has- in the past- hurt her standing, most intelligent people who have studied the case no longer buy into the misinformation.
Of course, those who oppose Amanda will continue to try and spread misinformation. Now- Maresca is just a lawyer and he is certainly not going to defend Amanda, nor is he going to say anything nice about her- that's not his job. He is of course entitled to his opinions, but the thing to remember here is that there is nothing he can say that is going to 'swing' the judge and jury in this case. This appeal will be based on facts, and no amount of hype or illusion is going to hoodwink this judge and jury.
Yes I have seen what certain people post on the other sites with the sole intention to mislead people- but this is not one of those sites. Some very interesting things will be happening this Saturday December 18, so we will just have to wait and see. Thanks for commenting.
To Billy Ryan- You may or may not be right on this. This is your opinion of course- which you are entitled to. Thanks for commenting.
You have really got me wondering, Saturday? I read Amanda's statements and was moved, as was the jury among other court attendees. She was poignant, honest, sincere and intelligent. She is a well spoken young lady for what she has been through. I do hope when she is released that she is offered many opportunities to explain her case, let her supporters hear her story and rally around her. I know she realizes just how much support she has both here and in Europe. Knowing how the American media works, she should get the chance to tell her side, and if she profits, so be it.
Ever other public person who has written about this has, why shouldn't she? As well as the Mellas and Knox families. As for anyone thinking she is enjoying her "fame", please,...
Maresca is a drama queen and is trying to upstage a young articulate and interesting young lady. He does stand to monetarily benefit so there is his motive, Billy Ryan said it all.
Saint Micheal1, where other than you tube (in Italian) can we see any of these proceedings? I read her statement on facebook but I want to be able to see what is going to happen Saturday and how do you know?
Just wondering, you seem to be quite up on this subject, I just get blurbs through facebook but can no longer stand the "guilters" and the comments that are so hate filled, nasty and mean. I was absolutely shocked at some of the comments regarding plane crashes, Edda Mellas, her family has been attacked as well.
I honestly feel that the courts will realize how horrible the prosecution was, how the motive makes no sense and the evidence was blown up to fit their theory, such as it is.
Again, I feel great empathy for Mr. Kercher and his family. They have the correct criminal and need to rethink their deal made with Guede and why they jumped so high and far to extradite him from Germany if the evidence did not point to him. I will be watching Saturday if you can provide a site or any information recently reported and not by the stinking tabloids.
And how absolutely unprofessional was this lawyer Maresca, feeding the tabloid, commenting on Amanda's voice, statement and her words. This makes me think of the little kid that isn't getting his way, he gets louder and more obnoxious until someone takes notice.
Thank you.
To jmofreeamandaandraffaele- Yes this Saturday Dec. 18th. No one can know for certain what exactly will take place on the 18th but it is expected for the judges to make some kind of a decision regarding what evidence the court wishes to re-examine. I think there will also be a lot of noise coming from the prosecution's end on the 18th also. Naturally the prosecution does not want a lot of 'evidence' re-examined- it just won't hold up in my opinion. The defense wants a lot things re-examined. I believe the judges want to get to the bottom of this case and that is the best that can be hoped for- I expect a lot of the so-called evidence to fall flat like a house of cards. We'll just have to wait until the 18th to see how things go.
As far as reliable sites to get info on the case as it happens. Well the Italians have the easiest access of course. Check out some of the news there such as Ansa and republica. Oggi is a magazine but I think they are covering this also- not sure about that one though. Just double check your sources to make sure your getting the right info.
For Amanda's statement the one I saw had her speaking with a backup English translation- don't remember where I saw that one though. Try to google it. Let's hope for the best this Saturday. Thanks for your comment.
Whoo hooo!!!!!!
Yeah I know how you feel- at last some good news.
I am very excited to know that the court will finally see the real evidence and not the "Mignini make the evidence fit the crime" forensics.
I am so encouraged for all involved. The idea that there is too much that makes no sense and will prove she was not anywhere at TOD and seen by others is so uplifting. Good Luck to all involved, the real murderer has been caught and sits behind bars, this cannot be ignored by the Kercher family. I do feel for their loss, am conflicted about the possible outcome, but I have a feeling they will not accept any finding other than the Barbie, Foxy Knoxy sexual motive as nothing but fact and will become louder and as Maresca, refuse to believe the outcome of not guilty.
Do you know of Mr. Kercher's standing or how close he is to the upper echelon or political and criminal persons who may be asked to review the forensics? Although he is saddened, overwhelmed and has lost the most precious thing a parent may lose, he does seem to "hate" Amanda, has no problem criticizing the families, her celebrity", (I am sure this is the last thing on her mind), and how the focus is on Amanda and not his daughter. I think he will never believe in Amanda's innocence. Let the process show the truth.
Nothing can bring back his daughter, but one would think that with all the press, the overwhelming lack of DNA, the confession and the experts and all the knowledgeable people who have looked at the forensics, the manipulation of the cross contamination probability, and, I am sure, the massive amounts of news surrounding this appeal process, he may take notice that errors were made, the prosecutors were criminally prosecuted and Rudy Guede left his handprint in his daughters blood, not to mention the past criminal history regarding Guede and his extradition that made him a suspect.
I am so very happy for the Knox/Mellas families, Amanda and Raffaele, the Sollecito family, unfortunately, the Kercher's cannot celebrate.
I wish no disrespect but the fact that both AK and RS were ecstatic that the forensics were going to be reviewed, just answered a major question for all those "guilters and haters" out there. Why would these two young people have faith that they will be cleared, if they were guilty? If you know you had something to do with the murder, you would not be so excited about the DNA review. Just a thought! Thanks, Saint_Michael1 for allowing a forum to go on.
Happy Holidays!
Hello- I do agree with your observation that guilty people would not be so thrilled with the DNA being reviewed- Like you I think it is pretty obvious that they are reacting like innocent people being overjoyed and actually breaking down in tears of relief at the news. There is still a long way to go on this yet- this case is still far from over. I think we all need to keep up the show of support for Amanda and Raffaele until they are actually free. Thanks for commenting and Happy Holidays to you also.
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